Monday Jun 04, 2012
Monday Jun 04, 2012
Director's Guest Tobias Wolff reads his short story "Say Yes", at Civitella Ranieri, May 2012.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2011
Wednesday Nov 02, 2011
Charles Bock (CRF 2011) reads from his novel "Beautiful Children", at Civitella Ranieri, September 2011
Monday Oct 24, 2011
Monday Oct 24, 2011
This week's Civitella podcast features Salvatore Scibona reading the beginning of his novel, "The End".
Monday Aug 29, 2011
Monday Jul 11, 2011
Monday Jul 11, 2011
Mark Strand reading his poem "Anywhere Could Be Somewhere" at Civitella, June 2011
Monday Jun 27, 2011
Monday Jun 27, 2011
Eliza Griswold reading her poem "Metamorphosis" at Civitella Ranieri, June 2011
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
Burning Paper at Lazarus Cemetery
The woman who works in the cemetery in her blue smock
bends to pick a scrap of paper from the earth
and drop it in the barrel as a god would drop
a bird into a sputtering volcano. A white smoke
rises and disappears. All around her,
crosses are popping up like crooked weeds.
Listen to the little river swish
along the walls of the canal. Nearby, a fresh grave
is plump with flowers, a mound like a dozen girls
fainted in their ruffled party skirts. What better place
to be set into the ground? The trees
lower long necks to the water, their many flat faces
nodding at their own reflections. The woman bends.
Another bird is lit afire.
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Diego Mencaroni, our Fellows Coordinator, caught up with Dan Perjovschi (CRF 1996) at his recent show at MACRO, and interviewed him for our inaugural podcast.